The Shoes, the Suit, the Discovery

My friend assured me it was the very best of its kind – the most highly rated and sought-after suit. Marketing companies agreed. The data was in. Truly, this suit was #1 in the world.

I stared at it, noticing the fine fabric, outstanding craftsmanship and could not help but agree.

Next, she pulled a rectangular box from behind her back and opened it. “Here! Just look at these beauties!” There was the smell of leather as she waved the box in my direction.

Again, I could only nod. She handed me the coveted shoes that everyone was talking about.

I was encouraged to put both the suit and shoes on, which I did. There were just a couple of problems.

The arms of the suit-coat hung past my hands and the trousers were too long. Unfortunately, the shoes were much too small.

“Maybe if you curl up your toes,” my friend suggested helpfully. “And roll up your sleeves…

I looked in the mirror, disappointed and perplexed. This was not at all what I had hoped or expected. The entire outfit was no match for me. I shifted my weight, trying not to think of how uncomfortable the shoes were…No, this suit and shoes were not for me. They just didn’t fit.

Does this story strike a chord? Do you ever feel like your life hangs on you like an ill-fitting suit? Would you believe it is possible to have a career that is tailor-made to you, rather than the reverse? Many times our society, schools and well-intentioned friends and family encourage us to put on a career that might be better for someone else.

Rather than force yourself into someone else’s mold or perception, what if you could wear a profession perfectly matched to you? It’s possible! Best of all, you will enjoy it.

Discover what is ideally suited to you. Dress for success with iWorkZone.


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